2024 Fundraising Drive Underway!

We are off to a great start to raise $10,000 in donations. 164 letters were sent on February 1 and a mail chip to our subscriber list was sent on February 5. We have received $1270** the first week and will continue to update as the donations come in.

Special thanks to our ten volunteers who help address envelops, write letters, and send thank you cards to donors. Volunteers include: Sally Boyd, Leah Jay, Medha Joshi, Chris Kondrat, Laura Leiman, Lisa Manners, Vanaja Mulagada, Susan Pozdena, Judy Vatne and Jean Yarger.

List of Donors

Visionary $1000+

Judy Vatne

Connoisseur $500-$999

Liz & Jesse Walker

Artiste $250-$499

Fan up to $249

Makayla Allnutt

Leslie Dugas

Ernest Hardesty

Lisa Lloyd