Our Community

Art Dollars for Scholars 2024

The Art Dollars for Scholars show closed on Sunday, June 2nd.  In all, we displayed 85 works by 71 artists–21 Members, 7 Non-member adults and 43 Youth participants.  The walls were looking a bit bare by the end of the show as over a third of the work submitted sold. The show, plus sales of donated blank canvases, generated $771 in Scholarship funds to be awarded for 2025.  It was exciting to see the diverse creations on display!  If you paid an entry fee but didn’t submit a painting, you are still responsible for the success of the fundraising effort–and we hope to see your work on display at some point during the next year.  Debbie Teeter is stepping down from coordinating this event and handing over the reins to Rose Rutherford-Ha.