Community Arts Program (CAP)

Community Arts Program (CAP) The VGA Community Arts Program (CAP) has just concluded a busy year offering gallery members and the community at large topics including framing your art, how to use social media to promote your art as well as live artist demonstrations by...
Art Kits Progam

Art Kits Progam

Art Kits Program We are happy to announce that the gallery has received a $2000 grant which will fund our Art Kits program for the next couple of years.  This program began in the summer of 2020–yes, some good things happened during COVID.  Our...
Scholarship Award Winner Announced

Scholarship Award Winner Announced

Scholarship Award Winner Announced The Village Gallery of Arts is delighted to award this year’s scholarship to Jessica Melgar, a graduating senior from Aloha High School.  Jessica received her award on Sunday, June 9th at VGA’s Art Chat (3-5 pm).  Her...
Art Dollars for Scholars 2024

Art Dollars for Scholars 2024

The Art Dollars for Scholars show closed on Sunday, June 2nd.  In all, we displayed 85 works by 71 artists–21 Members, 7 Non-member adults and 43 Youth participants.  The walls were looking a bit bare by the end of the show as over a third of the work...