Class Description: Have you always wished you were better at drawing faces? This workshop will provide a basic understanding of facial proportion and tips for how to draw the individual features. Everyone will leave with a fun practice drawing and their own self-portrait.
Featured projects this month are mosaic bird houses, tooling foil, paper quilling.
Instructor: Debbie Teeter
Dates: Saturday, July 9
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Cost: FREE
Max number of students: 8
Supply List: All supplies included. 4” travel mirrors will be available. If you have a larger one you would like to use, please bring it. We will be working with grayscale media on toned paper.
About the Artist:
I’m from the south side of Chicago, Illinois and earned a BFA and MA in Art Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and a Certificate in Commercial Design from the University of California, San Diego. Since moving to Portland in the late 1980s, I have taught beginning through advanced high school art classes in the Forest Grove and Beaverton School Districts, and art instruction methods to prospective elementary educators at the University of Portland.