The June Retrospective displays artwork from artists who have been with the Gallery ten years or more.
Also we are remembering Honorary Member Allen Greene as our featured artist. He is pictured here plein air painting.
Allen Greene passed away just prior to the pandemic. We are honored to show his work as an alumnus and past President of VGA.
Allen served on the Village Gallery Board as president for 3 years, stepping down in 2002. Allen reminisced about his time as president, “This has been a learning and rewarding experience for me. I have met a lot of people and made many friends, and I hope I have contributed something of value to the gallery.” After stepping down Allen went on to serve as 2nd Vice President and Housekeeping Chair. In September of 2005 Allen was the featured artist. The Art Focus stated “Allen Greene has supported The Village Gallery of Arts as President, advisor, and all around handyman for several years. His work graces our walls, and his dedication helps to keep our gallery running well.”
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