Members’ Corner – Jean Yarger, Membership Secretary

Please welcome Chris Murray. Chris is our newest Community Member. When asked why she chose to join VGA Chris responded that she brought her five-year-old granddaughter to the Valentine Day Class. She met so many nice people and her granddaughter had so much fun Chris said, “I wanted to be part of VGA”.

Thoughts About Being Part of VGA

My daughter-in-law recently thanked me for providing my granddaughter with a wonderful experience. I had invited my two youngest granddaughters to my house for a “painting party”. They each created a 4 X 4 for the Art Dollars for Scholars Show. When the show was hung, I took them to the Gallery so they could see their art hanging in the Gallery. “I bet you are the only ones in your classes to have artwork hung in an art gallery”, I said. 

“I bet someone will buy our art.” The six-year-old said. 

The eight-year-old responded, “Ya, Nana will buy them.”

What none of us expected was that one of their pieces would sell, but to someone other than Nana. When I told my eight-year-old granddaughter that her piece titled, Cat Cow, had sold she smiled and asked, “Did you buy it?” When I told her I had not and I didn’t know who did, she looked at me in disbelief. Then a cloud of confusion filled her face.

“I know that feeling”, I said. “You’re wondering where did my art go? It’s like losing something important to you. You weren’t expecting to feel that way, were you? I’m familiar with that feeling. I felt that way too when I sold my first piece of art”, I smiled.

I want to thank VGA for giving me the opportunity to share that experience with my granddaughter and remind everyone that is our vision in action. Thank you to all our volunteers who give of their time and provide opportunities for sharing and enhancing our lives through art.

Oh, by the way, I bought my youngest granddaughter’s artwork and it hangs proudly in my studio.