Since childhood I have enjoyed anything that involved handwork: drawing, painting, paper-crafts, woodwork, and when no one is looking, even some needlework. In 1985, I asked a co-worker if I could try to do a watercolor painting from her young daughter’s photo that she kept on her desk. When I had finished, I had several other fellow workers asking me to do paintings of their children.
My parents have told me that when I was four or five years old, I could identify most of the cars then on the road by year and make. The love of cars has been part of my life ever since. Recently I discovered that paintings of certain cars evoked nostalgic feelings from certain times in my history. For example, by painting the 1950 Ford, I relived the days when I was in high school, daydreaming about buying that same car from a dealership in Ontario, Oregon. I also relived the feelings of despair when I could not raise the $75 needed to make the purchase.
In 2008, I retired from banking, giving me more time to do the things I enjoy such as watercolor painting.
You may see more of Lane’s paintings at mystrokesofgenius.
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