“My paintings are about color and shape and how to best balance the two within a painting. I often start out by monotyping a background in acrylics, and then let color mixtures and textures form on the page. At that point, I stand back and evaluate what’s there—often making the shapes into figures. It’s that element of chance that keeps it interesting for me and (I hope) for the viewer.” –Liz Walker
Liz Walker has been active in the local art scene since moving to Portland (from Boston) with her husband and daughter in 1999. In 2000 Liz joined the Village Gallery, where she found a supportive and engaging group of fellow artists whom she counts among her closest friends. She began painting in watercolor in 1991 but switched to acrylic monotyping as well as acrylic marbling in 2006 to create most of her paintings. No matter what the medium, Liz’s favorite subject matter is fanciful people (mostly women) in everyday settings.
Liz grew up in San Antonio, TX where she received B.A. in Art from Trinity University in 1980. Upon graduation, she took a course in Technical Writing and soon landed a job writing user manuals for a computer software company in southern California. It was lucrative but stressful work; in 1997 Liz quit the rat race to raise her daughter while continuing to improve her own watercolor skills. Liz’s love of watermedia painting led her to begin teaching art classes in 2002, and she greatly enjoys this role as mentor and facilitator for other artists who want to find their own “art voice”.
Liz teaches Acrylic Monotyping on Wednesdays at the Village Gallery of Arts, and a Basic Watercolor class Multnomah Art Center. She is a Signature Member of the Northwest Watercolor Society, and active member of WSO (Watercolor Society of Oregon). Check her website www.lizwalkerart.com for information about upcoming exhibits and images of her latest paintings.
Visit Liz’s website: lizwalkerart.com
Contact Liz with your questions, inquiry or positive feedback by completing the form below.