Born in Long Beach, CA, Phyllis earned a Bachelor of Arts from UCLA in 1961 and a Master of Science in Library Science from California State Fullerton in 1973. She began her art career in 1994 after early retirement from the California State University Chancellor’s Office Since that time Phyllis has taken many watercolor classes and workshops.
Phyllis is a creative and original artist who is ever open to new techniques, media and subjects. She works in watercolor, acrylic and mixed aqueous media. Her subjects (frequently abstracts, birds, landscapes) are painted up close and personal, using intense colors and unusual perspectives. Phyllis is an intuitive painter who paints strictly for the joy of applying paint to paper. She hopes the viewers find the paintings evocative of something in their hearts.
It may be of interest to discuss two of her techniques. Start with Masa paper (wet, wrinkled and dried) that is covered with gesso and dried. The next layers are gloss medium (dried) and acrylic applied abstractly. The composition or subject is developed by painting negatively and by removing color using rubbing alcohol. This technique can be seen in her series “Channeling”. Phyllis frequently paints and decorates papers for use in collage. Also, she creates papers by embedding scraps of one color in gloss medium and then peeling off the created paper to use in collage. This technique can be seen in some of her “Red Bird” series.
Paintings by Phyllis are included in corporate collections (Don Morrisette Headquarters, City of Beaverton, Daniel Smith Collection, Pacific University, Golden Gallery) plus many private collections. She is represented at Currents Gallery in McMinnville and at the Village Gallery of Arts in Portland.
She has exhibited in numerous juried, solo and group shows locally, regionally and nationally.
Memberships include the Watercolor Society of Oregon (1997 to present), the Northwest Watercolor Society (1996 to present, Signature Member), Village Gallery of Arts (1993 to present), the Beaverton Arts Commission (1996 to present) and the National Water color Society (2005 to present, Signature Member.)
Visit Phyllis’s website www.artistliszt.com/phyllismeyer
Contact Phyllis about any of her art works by using the form below.