Our Community

The First Village Gallery of Art Kits Distributed

On Friday, August 1st, Sharon Dunham and I distributed the first of our VGA art kits. Nine went to Family Promise of Beaverton and we then handed out 36 more in approximately two hours while enjoying the sunshine and camaraderie in front of the gallery. We enjoyed chatting with a number of people who were there to drop off or pick up library materials or check out the Second Edition sidewalk sale. We’re happy that this project is taking off quite well! It has provided feel-good moments for us and hopefully for the recipients. Other gallery members are already joining in, which will add variety to our offerings. 2020 has been challenging, at best, for many. I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes by Pablo Picasso, “Art washes away the dust of everyday life.” Let’s make some art, share it, and encourage others to do the same. I now look forward to seeing photos from our recipients. One of my joys as an art teacher has always been to light a spark in students and then watch it glow and spread!

Debbie Teeter, 1st VP, Village Gallery of Arts