VGA’s Art Kits Program is in Good Hands-by Debbie Teeter

VGA’s Art Kits Program is in Good Hands-by Debbie Teeter

I am delighted to announce that Diane Shingledecker will be coordinating VGA’s Art Kits program going forward.  Diane has helped assemble kits and feels strongly that the program must continue.  Considering how Sharon Dunham and I started the program on a shoestring four years ago, I am really buoyed by the increasing support the program has received from all of you as well as how it has grown in the community. When Darlene Stauffelbach, our long-time kit assembler, was unable to continue, a number of gallery volunteers stepped up.  Many hands made light work;  it’s amazing what a crew of four to six can accomplish in an hour. Other members over the years have also shared the names of other non-profits who might be interested and delivered kits to our recipient organizations.  These efforts have helped expand our reach, which in turn, increases our position in the community as something more than :”just a retail gallery”. Thank you all!

Diane has already jumped in, coordinating a work party and identifying other non-profits to connect with.  I feel both comfortable and excited that she stepped forward to do this.

If you have helped hand out or assemble kits, thank you.  Thank you, Darlene for your generous donation that kept us going.  Thank you, City of Beaverton, for your funding.  And thank you, Sharon. for suggesting this idea back in 2020 and sharing a “let’s do it” spirit.  One thing I’ve loved about my time with the Village Gallery of Arts is the freedom to take an idea and run with it.