2024 Donors

Fundraising in full swing

Our Fundraising Drive to raise $10,000 is in full swing. We’ve had an impressive response and raised $8375
as of April 5, 2024.. Thank you for making our Gallery a better place! We are deeply grateful for your generosity and your support.

If you haven’t had a chance to donate, please either go to our donation site on our website or send a donation to Village Gallery of Arts, 1060 NW Saltzman Rd, Portland Oregon 97229. Be sure to include your full name and mailing address.

Thank You to our Supporters!

Visionary $1000+
Laura Leiman
Lana Nelson
Marcia Petty
Judy Vatne

Connoisseur $500-$999
Sally Boyd
Anne & Jon Dantzig
Britt-Marie DeForeest
Moya Lehman
Jennis Johnson Taylor
Liz & Jesse Walker

Artiste $250-$499
Lucy Nonnenkamp

Fan up to $249
Makayla Allnutt
Leslie Dugas
Sharon Dunham
Sue Girard
Ernest Hardesty
Brenda Honeyman
Laura Hopper
Medha Joshi
Chris Kondrat
Lisa Lloyd
Vanaja Mulagada
Linda Nye
Susan Pozdena
Eric Sandguren
Diane Shingledecker
Dana Siegfried
Margie Simmons
Dominga Sumsuma
James Syfert
Teresa Vaughan