In the Community



On Saturday, October 15, and Sunday, October 16,VGA artists came together to participate in the Washington County Artists Open Studios. Thank you Chris Kondrat for being the point person in this fabulous public event. Artists were able to showcase their work to the...

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Project Art Shares Soars! The 2022 Project Art Share was very successful. Project Manager, Janet Collamer delivered 222 paintings to the Aloha Food Pantry for distribution to the families who are served bythe Pantry. Each family can choose a painting when they...

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VGA Welcomes the Scouts

VGA Welcomes the Scouts

On Saturday, February 19, 2022, Webelos Scouts from Troop 726 visited the Village Gallery with their leaders. Adults accompanying the scouts included Scoutmaster Mac Gifford, and Tim and Tammy Tank, parents of Andrew, a scout Denner. Those in attendance spent time in...

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VGA Gives to the Community: Free Halloween Art Kits

VGA Gives to the Community: Free Halloween Art Kits

An assortment of art kits and sketch books were displayed outside the Village Gallery of Arts and distributed to children for Halloween on October 31.  The kits included VGA’s brochure and our children’s class schedule. We hope the big, bad wolf didn’t discourage...

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TriMet Access to Village Gallery of Arts

TriMet Access to Village Gallery of Arts

TriMet provides bus service near the Village Gallery of Arts. Route #48 – Cornell Road and Route #62 – MurrayBlvd run about every 15 minutes or less with connections to MAX light rail but less frequently on Sundays and holidays.  The Gallery is next to the Cedar Mill...

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Project Art Share 2021 Outcome

Project Art Share 2021 Outcome

We had wonderful results with VGA’s second call to artists for donations to Project Art Share. 14 artists contributed 66 paintings in all sizes and media. We had a last-minute change in destination for half of the paintings. Janet Collamer learned from the Aloha Food...

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The Village Gallery In The Community

The Village Gallery In The Community

Mosaic Shell project in progress.Craft Chair, Eileen Millsap’s grandkidsworking on their art! This fall I was picking up a bookfrom the Cedar Mill Library. Iwas presented with a bag of seashells to give my 8 year old granddaughter,Ellie Gober, for her to create...

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Village Gallery in the Community

Village Gallery in the Community

VGA’s Open Studio:  When Washington County’s Open Studios are cancelled . . . VGA creates its own opportunities . . . 4 artist demos and an Art Kit Giveaway! Thanks to artists Sue Selby, Chris Boyer, Kalyani Pattani and Virginia Sumner for making this a success! Aloha...

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