Originally scheduled for January, the first CAP presentation for 2024 was postponed due to our region’s significant weather event. On February 19th, TJ Conway, Manager of Bethany Frame Central, brought a large selection of framed art and framing materials as he shared his professional knowledge of the art of framing.

Attendees were treated to a brief history of framing with examples of many different styles to highlight this. TJ did not disappoint when he shared with the group ways to “combat the notion that a black frame and white mat is the best option for most pieces”. This engaging presentation kept attendees in their seats past the 2 hours as there was a lot of Q&A throughout the evening.

Stay tuned for details about our next CAP presentation scheduled for Tuesday, April 16th at 6PM. CAP presentations are free to gallery members and the public.  

If you have any questions or have a suggestion for a topic you would like to see presented, please email Sharon Dunham at dunhamsw@frontier.com